Friday, May 12, 2006

entertaining myself :-)

i am amazed. there are some 23,000 little black dots on the ceiling of the caravan. i can also cover the entitre length of the caravan in approximately four even strides. the downside is, no matter how many times i rearrange things, the place still looks untidy. i don't like untidy. it's a wee bit sad, but because of the cold, i am having trouble playing my guitars [i don't want to take my hands out of my gloves]. be assured that i play them when it's warm. the reason for my existence is not totally lost.
as i sat here the other night, i realised that i can look up from my seat, look in the mirror, and see the television. yet another plus uncovered. i can't believe the sheer enthusiasm that bubbles to the surface upon discovering these veritable gems in my life. the social life has taken a turn for the positive today. i received, wait for it, four, yes four texts! i just don't know what to do with myself [there has to be a song in that]. it was, in fact, a little overwhelming.
i would like to thank the government for providing such an inspiring and fulfilling life. even though i am a sickness beneficiary. it [my life] is truly magnificent.
what was that? oh, it was the sound of me vomiting into my lap. isn't it interesting that there is always carrots? considering i haven't seen a carrot in over a month, it's a wonder indeed.
far out! the 3g connection just clicked in. i have broadband. my life is replete.
oh, it's gone now :-(
wow! it's back..............


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